
Kullanım örnekleri

shoulder strap
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Phonetic: "/ˈʃəʊldə/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: The part of an animal's body between the base of the neck and forearm socket.

Definition: Anything forming a shape resembling a human shoulder.

Definition: (topography) A shelf between two levels.

Definition: The flat portion of type that is below the bevelled portion that joins up with the face.

Definition: (of an object) The portion between the neck and the body.

Definition: That which supports or sustains; support.

Definition: The part of a key between the cuts and the bow.

icon arrow


Phonetic: "/ˈʃəʊldə/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To push (a person or thing) using one's shoulder.

Definition: To put (something) on one's shoulders.

Definition: To place (something) against one's shoulders.

Definition: To bear a burden, as a financial obligation.

Definition: To accept responsibility for.

Example: shoulder the blame

Definition: To form a shape resembling a shoulder.

Definition: To move by or as if by using one's shoulders.

Definition: To round and slightly raise the top edges of slate shingles so that they form a tighter fit at the lower edge and can be swung aside to expose the nail.

Definition: To slope downwards from the crest and whitewater portion of a wave.

icon arrow


Phonetic: "/stɹæp/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A long, narrow, pliable strip of leather, cloth, or the like.

Definition: A strip of thick leather used in flogging.

Definition: Something made of such a strip, or of a part of one, or a combination of two or more for a particular use.

Definition: A piece of leather, or strip of wood covered with a suitable material, used to hone the sharpened edge of a razor; a strop.

Definition: A narrow strip of anything, as of iron or brass.

Definition: The flat part of the corolla in ligulate florets, as those of the white circle in the daisy.

Definition: The leaf, exclusive of its sheath, in some grasses.

Definition: A gun, normally a personal firearm such as a pistol or machine pistol.

Definition: Credit offered to a customer, especially for alcoholic drink.

Definition: (with "the") A championship belt, or by extension, the title.

icon arrow


Phonetic: "/stɹæp/"

Part Of Speech: verb

Definition: To beat or chastise with a strap; to whip, to lash.

Definition: To fasten or bind with a strap.

Definition: To sharpen by rubbing on a strap, or strop

Example: to strap a razor

icon arrow


Phonetic: "/stɹæp/"

Part Of Speech: noun

Definition: A secondary heading, especially one printed above another.

Definition: A memorable slogan attached to a commercial brand.

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